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Navigation Guide

Hello! I am Miles. You can usually find me at my Magic Box. Today, I am going to help you show the ins and outs of navigating around the cities of Powerpets.

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Navigation Features

SearchAt the right top corner, there are 3 icons. The first icon opens and closes the Search feature. Use this feature to locate items, other players, pets and search for help.

WorldThe second icon will open the World Maps. All the areas you can find through the Explore menu on the left can be found here as well, but in a prettier package.

HelpThe last icon, if lit up, indicates additional help is available for this area. This help will be presented in a pop-up so it will not interrupt the active area you are viewing.

LayoutNeed to try out a different layout? Switch quickly beween layouts using the layout selector button.

FavoriteOn almost every page, you will notice a Favorite star. This means the page can be added to your favorites for quick access in the future. Up to 15 favorites can be added to the Favorites bar. Click a blank star to add a page. Go to a favorite page and click a highlighted star to remove the page from your favorites.

The Exploration Bar

On the left side, you will find the exploration bar. This bar gives you access to nearly every area on Powerpets.

Above the exploration bar, you will find the Locate bar. You can type part or all of the name of any area here to quickly access it. You can also find special areas by typing in keywords such as Shop, Quest, Free and more.

ExploreThe Explore tab contains links to all the Powerpets cities and the areas within each one.

AccountThe Account bar gives you access to everything related to your account. From your pets, to various storage areas and even your account settings and player statistics.

GamesThe games section is self explanatory. Use it to access the many games Powerpets offers.

SocialThrough the Social tab, you can access your Power Mail, the Forums, the Greeting Cards and Power Connection center where you manage your friends and foes.

FederationAs you progress through the game, you may want to consider joining the Power Federation. In PF, you can build houses, commercial and industrial buildings that will allow you to create resources for the city, open restaurants and playzones for other players to visit, or even build, grow and cook your own items in your house. You can also write stories, create contests and participate in our Annual City Wars.

SiteThrough the Site tab, you can return to the main page, access important site updates, view the event calendar, check out featured sites and the interactive to-do list.

The Information Bar

On the right side, you will find the information bar. This bar keeps you up current on Site Updates, the next Bingo game and gives you access to the Party Room so you can see who is having a birthday today!

The Information Bar also indicates whether you have a new PIM (Powerpets Instant Message), and gives you instant access to the current monthly event such as Trick or Treat, The Bunny Game and much more.

New UpdateInquiring Minds
AuctionYellow Werewolf Pup
Party Room